Thoughts & Faith

A Prayer for Peace

a burning candle in a dark space with christmas trees on either side

Father, I am anxious.

Turn me towards you.

Thoughts are spinning faster and faster through my mind, leaving a cloud of worry and unrest in their fury.

I want to reach into the swirling chaos, grab each thought, and control it’s circumstances.

But I know from years past this just increases my anxiety.

My chaos.

My fear.

But you are peace.

You are the God of all that I see.

You hold the roaring seas in the hallow of your hand.

You know all the stars by name.

You measure the galaxies with the span of your palm.

Creation is under your command.

Every flower.

Every sparrow.

Every micro organism.

Every illness.

And I can have peace.

Despite the trouble and pain of this world, you have prepared a place for me.

For us.

A place of perfect peace, warmth, and calm.

A place where pain of body and soul does not exist.

I do not ultimately have pain and sorrow coming my way, though the weight of this world may cloud the hope in my vision.

I ultimately have eternal comfort, joy, and deep peace.

Deep peace will be my destiny, and I can taste it now.

My worries and fears will be put to rest and never reawakened.

Until then Lord, let my path to you be well worn.

Stamped out with enduring hope.

Willing to trust.

Willing to go.

Willing to draw deep, life giving breaths in the shadow of your wings and chose peace.

Chose the one who is peace.

And to trust the promise you gave before you ascended into heaven;

“My peace I leave to you; My peace I give to you.”

Lord, let it be so.

Let me live to today, knowing this is so.



Dedicated to Mama

John 14:27

2 Replies to “A Prayer for Peace”

  1. Emma, what peace-filled words to calm an anxious heart. I needed that today.
    Thank you.
    So excited for you and your blog!
    Big hug!

    1. Oh, thank you so much Maria! Your words are so encouraging and I’m thankful my words here could touch your heart in some way. Love to you friend! I’ve missed you!!

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