Day to Day Life Intentional Home Living Thoughts & Faith

The True Making of a Home – Reflections from a Homemaker’s Heart

a homemaker and mother tending to her home - reflections on the true making of a home

Quietly she makes her home, Sometimes with joy and sometimes with tears. She makes things beautiful,  And little hands leave it undone that same day or same hour.  She works in the kitchen to nourish her loved ones,  And little noses turn up and her work can be wasted.  Some days she’s left weary, discouraged, …

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Thoughts & Faith

A Prayer for Peace

a burning candle in a dark space with christmas trees on either side

Father, I am anxious. Turn me towards you. Thoughts are spinning faster and faster through my mind, leaving a cloud of worry and unrest in their fury. I want to reach into the swirling chaos, grab each thought, and control it’s circumstances. But I know from years past this just increases my anxiety. My chaos. …

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