Thoughts & Faith

Peace + Purpose

girl smiling and sitting on leaves

Hey Friends!

Wow! So this is my first blog post on the new site and I’m all jittery about it. I haven’t blogged in years since starting my first blog after losing my son, Ezra. I truly feel like God has been nudging me to blog again, but actually doing it is, well…a little scary to be honest. Who really wants to hear what I have to say anyway?

BUT, I’m reminded that this blog is not about me. It started with my son, Ezra (read his story here) and now I’m starting it up because I’ve honestly felt God pulling me toward it again. So here I am!

I had one of those hair-brained-about-to-lose-my-mind mornings today. I was inside with my kids all morning because there was this big event with over 400 elementary aged kids going on right outside our apartment and I would have lost every one of my children in the crowd if we had tried to go outside and play. Plus, as a family of five living on a college campus (Did I tell you we live in a 2 bedroom apartment, on a college campus with 3 boys under 7? No? More on that later. Promise.) we’re a bit of an anomaly and I didn’t want us to be a distraction to the event. To add to the stir craziness of the morning, I brilliantly had my two older sons paint birdhouses for my Mother and Aunt as a gift WHILE the toddler was awake. I know guys, brilliant.

Anyway, I was a bit inside my head this morning anticipating what my very first blog post would be about and I needed to work out my nervous energy. So as soon as this event started to clear out, I took a deep breath and announced that were going on a walk. I wanted a breather and a little peace to pray about all this. Before I left, I looked at the next verse in the passage of scripture I’m trying to memorize right now with our church (don’t be too impressed. I’m like 25 verses behind schedule.) so that I had a little something to chew on while I prayed about my jitters about starting a blog, and my heart jumped when I read the next verse! I slowly read it and then I read it again.

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

Is that really for me, Lord? Is that really what you want to say to me right now?

I shared the prayer and the verse with my husband later and he assured me saying that, yes, that was definitely God speaking to me!

Ok so what does it mean? I would normally go journal about this to sort out my thoughts, but I had committed nap time to working on my blog so I guess I’ll just give you guys a peak into my mind and work it out here.

Do I believe God has began a good work in me in relation to blogging? – Yes! My blogging began as I grieved the loss of my baby and tried to cling to Jesus as I lived through the pain. Other women who were going through a grief of some kind shared with me that my blog ministered to them in those times. Yes. The work has been good and definitely began with God.

Do I believe God will carry this work? – it says right there in this verse that he does, so yes, I choose to believe it! I know that I will not always act like I believe it, but man, how freeing to know that the weight of this is on God and not me.

What is the completion? – I don’t know. Could it be that the blog really touches the women who read it? I hope so. Could it be that this blog becomes part of my life as a long term ministry? Maybe. Does God have purpose in this blog? It seems like he does. It may look like further healing for me as I write and share and sort out my thoughts here, or it may look entirely different. Anyway it goes, I know that there is so much potential for peace and purpose as I pour myself into this little blog during nap time.

Completion sounds like peace to me.

A good work that God is carrying sounds like purpose.

Maybe that is what he is trying to communicate to me through this verse.

Peace and purpose.

